Worship Ministry

What a gracious God we have that He created us to worship!

 Not to serve. Not to live a good life. Not even to go to church every Sunday. We are created to WORSHIP Him and to try, as the Holy Spirit helps us, to know God and be known by him through worship. What a gift! We worship God because of who He is, what He’s done and all He will do in the future. It’s a privilege to give Him our attention, devotion, and affection as a gift back to Him.

WACC Worship ministry seeks to lead others in worshipping God in Sprit and in Truth; (John 4:23-24) To raise a new generation of lead worshippers,(Psalm 71:18) and to equip the saints for acts of worship and service to God. (Psalm 30:4)

Get Involved

Everyone is involved in worship because we are all created to worship. For those who are interested in serving in worship ministry there are great opportunities.

Adult Worship Choir Rehearses Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00 and leads the congregation in worship most Sundays at 9:30 and occasionally at 11:00 and leads worship in our Sunday morning services every 4-6 weeks. This is a fun-loving fellowship of worshipers who love to sing for Jesus. There is no audition and everyone is welcome to join.

Contact Leann or Rachel for interest in other service opportunities such as: worship band, praise team vocalists, children’s worship ministry, or instrumental music.