Ruth, Romance, and Redemption | Ruth (Part 1) (Jim Shelburne)
Today we step into a new series that will take us into the fall. After months of murder, mayhem and chaos in the Book of Judges, we step just one book forward in the Old Testament, and we find a refreshing means to “wash off the dirt” of Judges. This sweet little book will explain the ancestry of King David (and ultimately a much greater King of the same dynasty) and it will show us the beautiful providence of God even when and if we may be bitter toward Him. It tells us God is fully aware of and concerned with the smallest details of our lives—and in those details He is crafting both small and large redemption stories, including our own. God is always at work, even (and maybe especially) when we cannot see His hands.
We invite you to join us for our journey into the Book of Ruth, and today we share an overview to get started.