WACC Transition
FAQs regarding upcoming WACC transitions
We understand that "transition" can be a scary word, so we have done our best to anticipate and answer as many questions as possible below. If you find yourself with other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out the WACC Staff or Elders.
After what will be 27 and ½ years of leading WACC as it’s Sr. Pastor, Jim feels like it is time for him to step out of this leadership role. While this may be a surprise to many, the Eldership has been aware of the coming transition, and a transition task force of current and former Elders, appointed by the Elders, has been praying about this, studying transitions, and allowing God to lead them forward in preparing for this event over the past 5 years.
In a word—Jim. As mentioned above, Jim approached the Elders with this intention approximately 5 years ago to give them plenty of time to act on WACC’s best interests in planning for the future. Jim says, “While nothing beyond the Lord and my wife and kids (and granddaughters!) has blessed me any more than my long association with WACC, there comes a time when a church needs a shift in pastoral leadership; after decades of plugging along in the same place, you get tired. The church deserves fresh and more energetic pastoral leadership, with strong value for the past but at the same time new or renewed vision for the future, and trusted voices that can lead them there.”
Jim will continue to serve in his role as Sr. Pastor until September 30th. Many elements of the transition have already begun, and you have seen them in shared time in the pulpit. Behind the scenes, there has also been a lot of work done in realigning job descriptions and responsibilities so that there will be no lapse of pastoral leadership when Jim formally steps aside. There will be plenty of opportunities in 2024 to celebrate both our 75th anniversary as a church and the Shelburne family’s almost three-decades-long contributions to WACC and God’s goodness through it all!
While you may speak to any Elder, three of our Elders have been deeply immersed in this process for all or most of it. Tim Merrill, our current 2023 Elder Chairman and member of the Transition Task Force, Scott Green, our current 2023 Chairman of the Board and head of the Transition Task Force, and Dane Williams, a member of the Transition Task Force and our incoming 2024 Elder Chairman would all be uniquely qualified to hear your questions and concerns.
Jim’s answer: “We aren’t looking too far ahead at this point, but we are open to God’s leading to be used by Him in whatever ways He chooses. We won’t be sitting around! The one thing we will NOT do is compete in any way with the programs at WACC. I won’t be starting up another church across town, and I won’t ever compete in any way with your excellent pastors at WACC. We will look forward to seeing you from time to time but will be keeping an appropriate distance so as to allow your capable pastors to lead without living under the present shadow of the ‘ghost of pastor past.’ We value WACC too much to interfere with her health and growth as she moves into a vibrant new era of service to Christ.”